Wolf.Report is proudly Powered By MDHA - Minnesota Deer Hunters Association

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How have wolves changed your hunting in Minnesota?

Share Your Story

Tell us your story! We want to hear about what you're seeing in your hunting area. We all know the wolf population is higher than the official numbers suggest. There's important work to be done and valuable information to be gathered. Your reports will help paint a clear picture.

You can also share your hunting camp,farm, or trapping stories with us. How have things changed over the years? What have you experienced? We're always excited to feature new stories on our blog and social media platforms, as long as they're credible and constructive. You can now easily share your stories with us here or email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll give you full credit if you want, and we'll even create a visually appealing graphic to go along with your story. The more stories we share, the better people will understand the true magnitude of the wolf population in Minnesota.

  • Hits: 4329


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