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Coyote and Bear Hunting in Minnesota

Other Culprits

More than just wolves pose a threat to the deer population. As a serious hunter, it's crucial to understand all the factors affecting deer numbers. While wolves may be the hot topic right now, let's not overlook other predators.

  • Hits: 4166
How the Minnesota DNR Count wolves

How Does The DNR Count Wolves?

Learn how the wolf count and territory size are determined. Featuring a "reprint" of the 2022 Minnesota Wolf Population Update from the DNR, authored by John Erb and Carolin Humpal of the Forest Wildlife Populations and Research Group.

  • Hits: 3207
Hunter Submission

Ecological Void

For generations, my family has cherished the tradition of hunting at our land north of Nashwauk. In the early years, we overlooked the limited presence of wolves while still enjoying abundant deer hunting. Hunters from all corners of the state would gather in area shacks and camps, bringing excitement, fellowship, and unforgettable memories.

  • Hits: 4217

Addressing False Allegations: Setting the Record Straight

In response to misleading claims by the Hunters For Hunters organization, we feel compelled to clarify our position. Recently, we published a post regarding Minnesota State Statutes pertaining to wolf management and the protection of domestic animals and humans. It is important to note that at no point did we advocate for the outright killing of wolves, nor would we ever do so.

Our objective was to highlight the disparity between state laws and the current federal ban on safeguarding pets and livestock. While our wording may not have been flawless, our intentions were justified by numerous reports of pet and livestock attacks since November alone.

  • Hits: 8551
Wolf and Coyote Managment In Minnesota

Reports, Hunters, and Sponsors

Help us track and manage predator sightings! Report sightings are added daily and you can see them on our interactive map. We're now sending email notifications to Predator Control hunters with landowner requests. Your contribution is vital in legally controlling predators. 

  • Hits: 3373


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